Overview - Messages

Messages are sent by insurance companies to repair facilities. These messages now are received automatically within CCC ONE. By defaults, each time a new message is received, an alert popup appears for each user. Click on the popup message to view the message details. Message notifications can also be directed to specific users or Notification Groups for specific insurance companies. Workflow messages can also be created and directed to specific users for specific insurance companies.

Each assignment notification appears as a message in the My Work Dashboard. The message can be selected from the My Messages pane to view the message details.

From within the workfile, you can select the Notes tab, and then select the Insurance Message link to view all messages for that workfile. To reply to a message, create a new event by selecting Autoverse Message in the Events droplist of the Events tab. Then add the event to the workfile with your message. The event is communicated when the workfile is saved.



See Also

Receiving Workflow Messages

Viewing Workflow Messages

Creating a Message

Replying to a Workflow Message

Viewing Messages to be Re-sent to CCC







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